FIEC / CA 2019
15th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d'études classiques and the Classical Association annual conference 2019


The Classical Association, and the Societies for the Promotion of Hellenic and Roman Studies as the co-sponsors of FIEC / CA 2019, look forward to welcoming classicists from all over the world to London in July. Our conference is designed to celebrate the global community of classicists. We hope that everyone attending will find something of interest in the panels, keynote lectures and other events we have organised.

In planning the conference we have attempted to represent the huge variety of our subject. Our speakers come from nearly thirty countries, and every career stage is represented. The subjects of our panels too encompass and celebrate diversities of all kinds. We are certain that there will be energetic debates throughout the four days we are together, and we look forward to that too. Respectful disagreement and constructive criticism are central to the academic life of conferences. We expect all participants to do so in accordance with the Conference Code of Conduct.

Recent events at the San Diego SCS meeting remind us that incidents of racist speech and racist behaviour can sometimes occur in our meetings as in those of other disciplines. We regard these as utterly unacceptable. Each of our associations and societies is committed to making Classics accessible to all. If we fail to do that our discipline is impoverished. Anyone whose words or actions make others feel excluded on grounds of their identity or race does not speak for UK Classics. We are committed to rejecting racist attitudes, and hope profoundly that members of minority groups will participate in Classics in increasing numbers in the future.

This commitment will not end with FIEC / CA 2019. But in the run up to that conference and especially during it, we will be taking active measures to make all participants feel welcome, safe and respected.

Professor Roy Gibson, Chair of Council of the Classical Association

Professor Judith Mossman, President of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies

Professor Tim Cornell, President of the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies