FIEC / CA 2019
15th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d'études classiques and the Classical Association annual conference 2019



Saturday 6 July 2019

Session 2 (9.30-11.30 am)


ROOM 784 (IoE)

B. Persuasive History: Greek Rhetoric and the Manipulation of the Past

ROOM 822 (IoE)

a.       Giulia Maltagliati (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK), Demosthenes’ political use of history: assessing the historical analogies of the war against Philip

b.      Christos Kremmydas (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK), History as narrative in public forensic speeches

c.       William Coles (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK), Using Soundbites to manipulate: Polybios and Hellenistic politics

d.      Respondent: Lene Rubinstein (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)


Organiser: Giulia Maltagliati (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)

Chair: Christine Plastow (Open Universiry, UK)

C. Lucretian Cosmopoetics: Perspectives on the World in De Rerum Natura

ROOM 731 (IoE)

a.       Jonathan Griffiths (University College London, UK), Cosmobiology in Lucretius

b.      Eva Marie Noller (University of Heidelberg, Germany), Mechanical ordering in Lucretius’ DRN

c.       Del A. Maticic (New York University, USA), Omnia Migrant: Mixed Spatial Metaphors in DRN 5.1-90

d.      Ashley A. Simone (Columbia University, USA), Cicero’s Cosmos and Lucretius’ Discontents


Organiser: Del A. Maticic (New York University, USA)

Chair: Philip Hardie (Trinity College, Cambridge, UK)

D. Writing before the Greeks

ROOM 804 (IoE)

a.     Matilde Civitillo (Vanvitelli, University of Campania, Caserta, Italy), W.R.I.T.I.N.G. in Cretan hieroglyphic: from seals to clay

b.     Miguel Valério (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), The ‘theoretical structures’ of decipherment: the case of Cypro-Minoan

c.     Ester Salgarella (University of Cambridge, UK), How many games in town? Detecting local variation in Linear A

d.    Vassilis Petrakis (National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece) More than A to B: the composite formation of the Linear B literate administrative system


Organiser and Chair: Torsten Meißner (University of Cambridge, UK)

E. Classics and Communism

ROOM W3.01 (IoE)

a.    Edith Hall (King’s College London, UK), Classics and the Socialist Political Movements

b.    David Movrin (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Latin Teaching in Communist Yugoslavia and Directed Education

c.    Elzbieta Olechowska (University of Warsaw, Poland), Polish women classicists under Communism

d.   Henry Stead (Open University, UK), Brave New Classics


Organiser: David Movrin (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Chair: Elzbieta Olechowska (University of Warsaw, Poland)

F. Urban Religion in Augustan Poetry


a.       Catharine Edwards (Birkbeck, University of London, UK), The Great Mother and the mutilated body

b.      Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser (presenting author) and Nils Jäger (University of  Göttingen, Germany), Religion in passing: Horace’s Satires and Epistles

c.       Cecilia Ames (University of Cordoba, Argentina), Religion, Antiquarism and Roman urban development: An approach from Book VIII of the Aeneid

d.      Jörg Rüpke (Max Weber Centre, University of Erfurt, Germany), Drawing lines and crossing boundaries: City and religion in Propertius Book 4


Organiser and Chair: Jörg Rüpke (Max Weber Centre, University of Erfurt, Germany)

G. New Perspectives on Late Antique Portraits

ROOM 739 (IoE)

a.       Paolo Liverani (University of Florence, Italy), Addressing statues, listening to portraits

b.      Barbara Borg (University of Exeter, UK), Gods, emperors and Christian Saints: The origins of Christian icons  reconsidered

c.       Arianna Gullo (University of Glasgow, UK), ὅσσαπερ ἢ γραφίδεσσι χαράξαµεν ἤ τινι χώρῳ, / εἴτε καὶ εὐποίητον ἐπὶ βρέτας, εἴτε καὶ ἄλλης / τέχνης ἐργοπόνοιο πολυσπερέεσσιν ἀέθλοις. – Epigram and Art in Sixth-Century Byzantium

d.      Carlos Machado (University of St Andrews, UK), Portraits in context


Organiser and Chair: Carlos Machado (University of St Andrews, UK)


H. Who “owns” Classics? Redefining Participation and Ownership of the Field


a.     Sonia Sabnis (Reed College, USA), The Metamorphoses in the Maghreb: Owning Apuleius in Algeria

b.     Clara Bosak-Schroeder (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA), Cripping Classics: Disability Studies and Realities

c.    Kiran Mansukhani (Columbia University, USA) and Nykki Nowbahar (Rutgers University, USA), “γυμνοὺς κριτέον ἁπάντων τούτων”: A Recap of The Sportula’s Naked Soul Conference 2019


Organiser: Amy Pistone (Notre Dame, USA)

Chair: Clara Bosak-Schroeder (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)


I. Greek Drama and its Reception in Antiquity and Beyond


a.       Agnieszka Kotlińska-Toma (University of Wroclaw, Poland), Quoting classical drama as a means for political allusion in Hellenistic Comedy

b.      Andreas Fountoulakis (University of Crete, Greece), Reception of Drama, Gender and Genre in Ps.-Theocritus, Idyll 23

c.       Georgia Xanthaki-Karamanou (University of the Peloponnese, Greece), Reception of Euripidean concepts and conventions in the narrative and dramatic technique of the Byzantine drama Christus Patiens

d.      Stavroula Kiritsi (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK), The Reception of Aristophanes and Menander in Dimitrios Paparigopoulos’ Agora (1871)


Organiser and Chair: Andreas Fountoulakis (University of Crete, Greece)

J. Measurement Myopia: Can we see beyond grades?

ROOM 642 (IoE)

a.       Rachel Plummer (Downe House School, UK), ‘Is this going to be on the exam, Miss?’

b.      Lisa Hay (Cambridge School Classics Project, UK), Caecilius etiamnunc est in horto – the CLC’s next challenge

c.       Nick Lowe (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK), Iamdudum non in horto sumus, Caecili: teaching students how to learn a language

d.      Caroline Bristow (Cambridge School Classics Project, UK), Exams: Friend or Foe?


Organiser: Caroline Bristow (Cambridge School Classics Project, UK)

Chair: Rachel Hopley (Thomas Mills Hugh School, UK)


K. Global Antiquity and Material Culture at King’s College London

ROOM 802 (IoE)

a.     Gonda Van Steen (King’s College London, UK), The Venus de Milo, or Sculpture as Literature and History

b.     Michael Squire (King’s College London, UK), Classics, Art History and ‘Modern Classicisms’

c.      John Pearce (King’s College London, UK), Imagining Roman London: a global neighbourhood by the Walbrook

d.     Lindsay Allen and Moya Carey (King’s College London, UK), From Persepolis to Isfahan: interrogating Sfavid ‘antiquarianism’


Organiser: Daniel Orrells (King’s College London, UK)

Chair: Gonda Van Steen (King’s College London, UK)

L. Global Classics


a.      Jinyu Liu (DePauw University, Indiana, USA / Shanghai Normal University, China), Graeco-Roman Classics in China: Historical, Institutional, and Academic Contexts

b.       Obert Mlambo (University of Zimbabwe / University of Cologne, Germany), Veterans, Masculinity and Expropriation in Republican Rome and Contemporary Zimbabwe

c.      Maryam Foradi (University of Leipzig, Germany), A digital learning environment for classical languages (Greek and Persian)


Organiser and Chair: Joe Farrell (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

M. Metatextuality In Greece and China: A Comparative Approach [2, Focus on China]

ROOM 728 (IoE)

a.       Michael Puett (Harvard University, USA), Commentarial Strategies in China and the Mediterranean Religion

b.      Leihua Weng (Sarah Lawrence College, USA), The Politics of Metatextuality: Commentaries and the Social Class of  ‘Shi’ in Early China

c.       Thomas Crone (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany), Between Aphorisms, Arguments, and Anecdotes: an Excursion into Saying-based Confucian Literature of the pre-Qin and Han Period

d.      Jingyi Jenny Zhao (University of Cambridge, UK), The Hows and Whys of Cross-Cultural Comparisons


Organiser: Gastón J. Basile (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina / Humboldt University, Germany / Warburg Institute, UK)

Chair:  Michael Puett (Harvard University, USA)



Session 3 (3-5 pm)

A. CA Panel: Teaching Sources in A Level Classical Civilisation and Ancient History


a. Nina Wallace (Queen Mary’s College, UK), Student skills – reading and annotating ancient source

b. Sarah Holliday (Aylesbury Grammar School, UK), Using Inscriptions in the Secondary Classroom

c. Laura Snook (Kingston Grammar School, UK), How do we integrate literary and visual/material sources?

d. David Hodgkinson (Magdalen College School and Balliol College, University of Oxford, UK), Comparison – strategies for comparing sources in the classroom

Organiser and Chair: Jessica Dixon (The London Oratory School, UK)

B. Posthumans, Robots, Cyborgs and Classics


a.       Scott Midson (University of Manchester, UK), Narcissus and the Machine: Techno-mirrors, self-love, and sexbots

b.      Giulia Maria Chesi (Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany), Artificial warriors and the paradox of technology

c.       Francesca Spiegel (Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany), Circe’s pharmacy: The neurochemical self and posthuman subjectivity in Greek narrative

d.      Genevieve Liveley (University of Bristol, UK), Beyond the beautiful evil? The ancient/future history of artificial humans


Organiser and Chair: Genevieve Liveley (University of Bristol, UK)

C. Reactions to foreign elements in Roman religion

ROOM 642 (IoE)

a.    Marika Rauhala (University of Helsinki, Finland), Adaption of Hellenic religion as a mirror of Roman identity-building

b.    Darja Šterbenc Erker (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany), Foreign elements in Augustus’ religious self-fashioning. How did the emperor’s body become divine?

c.   Marja-Leena Hänninen (University of Tampere, Finland), Travelling gods, travellers and townspeople. Egyptian deities in Roman Ostia and Portus


Organiser and Chair: Darja Šterbenc Erker (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)

D. Language and Dialect Contacts in the Northern Border areas of ancient Greece

ROOM 804 (IoE)

a.    Panagiotis Filos (University of Ioannina, Greece), Language and dialect contacts in Epirus (with some additional reference to the Greek colonies of S. Illyria)

b.    Luz Conti (Universidàd Autónoma de Madrid, Spain), On the use of the modal particle in the Dodona tablets

c.    Emilio Crespo (Universidàd Autónoma de Madrid, Spain), Dialects in contact and the rise of Koine in the ancient Kingdom of Macedon

d.   Paloma Guijarro (Universidàd Autónoma de Madrid, Spain), Linguistic contacts in the North Aegean sea


Organiser and Chair: Emilio Crespo (Universidàd Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)

E. Antonio Gramsci and the Classicists. Causes and Origins of the Marxist Strand in the Italian Classical Studies

ROOM 822 (IoE)

a.       Andrea Avalli (Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy / Université de Picardie “Jules Verne”, France), Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli as a Gramscian in art history and post-war Italian politics

b.      Anna Maria Cimino (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy), The author as ‘organic intellectual’: Gramscian categories in Antonio La Penna’s studies

c.       Dario Nappo (University of Naples ‘Federico II’, Italy), An unconventional Marxist Santo Mazzarino

d.      Roberto Ciucciovè (Newcastle University, UK), The Philosophical and political reflection of Gramsci and Momigliano on the Italian Jewish ‘question’


Organiser: Anna Maria Cimino (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy)

Chair: Andrea Avalli (Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy / Université de Picardie “Jules Verne”, France)

F. Comic Invective in Greek Oratory


a.       Andreas Serafim (University of Cyprus), Invective as comic performance in Attic forensic oratory

b.      Jasper Donelan (University of Nottingham, UK), Insults, audiences, and democratic deliberation. The case of Athenian oratory

c.       Alessandro Vatri (University of Oxford, UK), Rhythmic attacks in Demosthenes?

d.      Katarzyna Jazdzewska (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland) Between Admiration and Mockery. Aelius Aristides’ Confrontation with Plato

e. Maria Xanthou (Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies, USA), Killing with words: Isocrates, Dio Chrysostom, and Libanius on how to commit character assassination with style


Organiser: Andreas Serafim (University of Cyprus)

Chair: Christine Plastow (Open University, UK)

G. We are the Greeks/Romans: ‘Anatopistic’ Classical Receptions in Modern Japan

ROOM 731 (IoE)

a. Tomohiko Kondo (Hokkaido University, Japan), The Hymn to Apollo Arranged for Traditional Japanese Gagaku Instruments

b.      Yasuhiro Katsumata (Kyoto University, Japan), A Japanese 
Adaptation of Plutarch’s Parallel Lives: Narrative Strategy in Ken 
Sawada’s Plutarchan Lives of the Heroes for Children

c.       Saiichiro Nakatani (Keio University, Japan) Inter-cultural/
textual Play in the Poetry of Junzaburo Nishiwaki

d.      Luciana Cardi (Osaka University, Japan), Intersections between 
the Ancient Greco-Roman World and Contemporary Japan in Mari Yamazaki’s Manga Production


Organiser and Chair: Tomohiko Kondo (Hokkaido University, Japan)

H. Byzantine Studies and Narratology (7th-12thc.)

ROOM 739 (IoE)

a.    Pablo Cavallero (Universidad de Buenos Aires – Conicet, Argentina), Narrative features in early Byzantine hagiography

b.    Beatrice Daskas (University of Venice, UK), Byzantine ἐκφραστικὴ διήγησις: between narration and description

c.    Tomás Fernández (Universidad de Buenos Aires – Conicet, Argentina), The Byzantine novel and its forerunners

d.   Markéta Kulhánková (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic), The narratological analysis of Digenis Akritis


Organiser and Chair: Tomás Fernández (Universidad de Buenos Aires – Conicet, Argentina)

I. Learned Baroque Latinity

ROOM 802 (IoE)

a.     Jacqueline Glomski (University College London, UK), Neo-Latin bibliographical treatises and seventeenth-century educational movements

b.     David McOmish (University of Glasgow, UK), The pregnant widow: The union of scholastic, humanist, and sceptical Latin. Educational Literature in Pre-Enlightenment Edinburgh

c.     Florian Schaffenrath (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Austria), Letters on administration and learned questions: The letter collections of Benedikt Stephani and Kassian Primisser

d.    Paul White (University of Leeds, UK), Latin Love Elegy, Mannerism and the baroque


Organiser: Jacqueline Glomski (University College London, UK)

Chair: Gesine Manuwald (University College London, UK)


J. The Representation of Marriage in Roman Literature

ROOM 728 (IoE)

a.    Eleni Ntanou (University of Manchester, UK  / Athens College, Greece), Eumenides strauere torum: Infested Weddings in Ovid’s Metamorphoses

b.    Alison Sharrock (University of Manchester, UK), Equal marriage in Ovid’s Metamorphoses

c.    Matteo Dessimone-Pallavera (University of Manchester, UK), Lucan’s Pharsalia: The passions that drive the (hi)story

d.   Jacqueline Fabre-Serris (University of Lille, France), ‘Marriage’ as an elegiac ideal? Some assumptions of the use of coniunx and coniugium in Lygdamus’ elegies

e.    Julene Abad-del Vecchio (University of Manchester, UK), An unerring account? In search of the marriage of Medea and Achilles


Organiser and Chair: Alison Sharrock (University of Manchester, UK)

K. Caribbean Classicisms: Refractions of Homer in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries


a.    Tom Hawkins (Ohio State University, USA), Haitian Odysseus

b.    Dan-el Padilla-Peralta (Princeton University, USA), ¡Es Homero que pasa! Dominican ventures in epic pan-Americanism

c.    Rosa Andújar (King’s College London, UK), ‘Homer’s Guajiros: Celebrating Cuban rural life in Francisco Chofre’s La Odilea’

d.   Justine McConnell (King’s College London, UK), Performing Epic in St Lucia


Organisers and Chairs: Rosa Andújar (King’s College London, UK) and Justine McConnell (King’s College London, UK)


L. Aspects of Eros

ROOM W3.01 (IoE)

a.    José Magalhães (University of Roehampton, UK), Pasiphae’s Interspecies Eros

b.    Marco Fantuzzi (University of Roehampton, UK),  Sex but Family: Strategies of Cultural Justification of Happy Ending Love

c.    Helen Slaney (University of Roehampton, UK), A Labour of Love? Erotic poetics in Goethe’s Roman Elegies

d.    Shushma Malik (University of Roehampton, UK), Eros and the Modern Messalina


Organiser: Susan Deacy (University of Roehampton, UK)

Chair: Fiona McHardy (University of Roehampton, UK)

M. The Roman Society at the end of its first saeculum

ROOM 784 (IoE)

a.    Tim Cornell (University of Manchester, UK), The past and future of the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies

b.    Catherine Steel (University of Glasgow, UK), JRS into a second century

c.    Hella Eckardt (University of Reading, UK), What makes Britannia

d. Werner Eck (University of Cologne, Germany), The Roman Empire: between prosopography and administration. An overseas look at British scholars